Call Us: (800)-213-ETRS
Wayne County: 734-462-3096
Oakland County: 248-399-2600

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District or Circuit Court Substance Use Assessments/Evaluations - $150 (in State) or $100 for MDOC Referral
Evaluations conducted by state-qualified evaluators. Includes 4-panel drug screen.
Click here to sign up and pay

Alcohol/Substance Use Driver License Appeal Evaluation - $350
Click here to sign up and pay

Mental Health Evaluation - $200
Click here to sign up and pay

Alcohol / Substance Use

Alcohol Weekend (2-days) D10/M20 - $200
13 hours over two days in an intensive weekend format for some first offenders. Program focuses on the Court system, drinking/driving laws and basic alcohol/drug education and treatment options available.
Click here to sign up and pay

Alcohol (One Day) D11/M21- $120
6.5-hour program for first offenders with no symptoms of an alcohol or other substance use disorder. Class focuses on the Court system, drinking/driving laws and basic alcohol education and treatment options available.
Click here to sign up and pay

Outpatient Alcohol & Other Drug Program – 10 sessions - $300
10 weekly group sessions of 1 ½ hours each for high denial/resistant first and subsequent offenders. Interactive group sessions that discuss the progression of alcohol/substance use disorders, recovery support groups, and relapse prevention tools. Drug screen included.

MDOC Clients: DDJR 3rd Offense Drunk Drivers attend free. Show up at one of these days/locations:
Tues 6-7:30 pm at Alano Club, 2060 Council Ave, Lincoln Park, MI 48146
Wed 5:30-7 pm at 38099 Schoolcraft Rd., Suite 127, Livonia, MI 48150

District Courts (Private) Clients: Click here to sign up and pay for the Outpatient Alcohol & Other Drum Program.

Anger / Aggression Management

Anger Management Weekend Program (2 Days) D16/M26 - $200
An intensive program designed to aid individuals with the tools to reduce anger and improve coping skills. Topics of how to understand your anger; identifying triggers; decreasing conflict. Focuses on anger, impulse control, conflict resolution, interpersonal communication skills and the thinking errors that trigger interpersonal violence.
Click here to sign-up and pay

Anger Management One Day Program D17/M27 - $120
Less intensive than the weekend program but designed to aid individuals in reducing anger and improving coping skills. *NOT FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE OFFENDERS.
Click here to sign up and pay

Domestic Violence Programming
Domestic Violence 1-Day Orientation and Follow-Up Sessions – 12 to 26 weeks (one session per week) - $30 per session

MDOC Clients: No payment necessary. Call us at 248-399-2600 to schedule your orientation and classes. Also please print this PDF form and bring filled out to your orientation. Classes happen Mondays from 4:30-5:30 and 6:30-8 pm.

District Courts (Private) Clients: click here to sign up and pay for Domestic Violence Programming

Retail Fraud

Economic Crime (One Day) D18/M27 - $120
Interactive small group format focusing on identifying motivations for repeat shoplifting/retail fraud and other economic crimes, addressing the need to make positive behavioral changes
Click here to sign up and pay

CBT/Positive Options (8 weekly sessions) D19/M28 - $200
CBT-Concentrate on Better Thinking (8 weekly sessions) - $200 Interactive group format. Focuses on identifying troubling situations or conditions in the individual’s life and assisting them in becoming aware of how their thoughts, emotions and beliefs are intertwined and related to negative and/or inaccurate thinking, working to reshape thinking.
Click here to sign up and pay

Other Programs

DDJR (Drunk Driver Jail Reduction Program)

Description: ETRS is contracted to provide Relapse Prevention/Outpatient services to qualifying MDOC (Michigan Department of Corrections) clients. The DDJR Program consists of 14 weekly group sessions 1 ½ hours each session. Individual sessions for treatment planning, treatment plan review, and two additional individual sessions per month, as needed. Progress reports are sent to probation agents monthly. All fees are covered in the contract.

Appropriate Referral: Offered to Wayne County and Oakland County clients or other qualified felony OWI-3rd qualified individuals that reside in Wayne or Oakland County. The client must have a DSM-V diagnosis to qualify for treatment and sentencing guidelines of 0-17.